David Sprunger
David in Iceland


You can email me by replacing the space in my name with a dot and adding the usual gmail suffix.

I am currently an assistant professor in the mathematics and computer science department at Indiana State University.

I was previously a Research Fellow in the theory group at the University of Birmingham, working on the EPSRC project "Nominal String Diagrams" with Dan Ghica, Fabio Zanasi, and Alexandra Silva.

Before that, I was a project researcher at the ERATO MMSD project in Tokyo. This project aims to extend formal methods and software verification techniques to cyber-physical systems, with particular emphasis on applications to automotive control and manufacturing.

I worked on developing mathematical perspectives on machine learning and neural networks based on coalgebra and category theory. I also worked on on quantitative refinements of bisimulation and other coalgebraically defined structures.

I received a PhD in mathematics at Indiana University in August 2017 as a student of Larry Moss. My academic background is primarily in coalgebra, logic, and category theory.

For some automatically maintained lists, check out my dblp and Google Scholar pages.

Final versions available from publisher, preprint may differ from published versions.
  • Rewriting for monoidal closed categories, FSCD 2022, 2022. slides
  • Differentiation of Causal Functions, ISU, 2022. slides
  • Functorial String Diagrams for Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation, PPLV Seminar, UCL, 2022. slides
  • Functorial String Diagrams for Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation, Indiana University Logic Seminar, 2022. slides
  • Differentiating Stateful Processes, Lo Seminar, LIPN Paris, 2020. slides
  • Recurrent Neural Networks: A Categorical Perspective, University of Calgary, 2019. slides
  • Differentiable Causal Computations via Delayed Trace, LICS, 2019. slides
  • Neural Nets via Forward State Transformation and Backward Loss Transformation, MFPS, 2019. slides
  • Differential Categories, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Machine Learning, SYCO 4, 2019. slides
  • The differential calculus of causal functions, ERATO MMSD G0 Seminar, 2019. slides
  • Differentiation of causal functions, IU Logic Seminar, 2019. slides
  • Rewriting dataflow diagrams, TRS 50, 2019. slides
  • Differentiation of stateful functions, ERATO MMSD Colloquium, 2019. slides
  • Fibrational Bisimulations and Quantitative Reasoning, CMCS, 2018. slides
  • Differentiation of stateful functions, Shonan #109: Diagrammatic Methods, 2018. slides
  • Behavioural equivalence in coalgebras of finitary set functors, AMS Sectional Meeting, 2017. slides
  • Parametrized coinduction for logics, CALCO, 2017. slides
  • Bisimulation and Precongruence, ERATO MMSD Colloquium, 2017. slides
  • Up-to techniques in metric spaces, Shonan #97: Enhanced coinduction, 2017. slides
  • A complete logic for behavioural equivalence in coalgebras of finitary set functors, CMCS, 2016. slides
  • A logic of Laurent streams, Graduate Student Logic Conference, 2015. slides
  • Projections of stream convolution products and a proof of Christol’s Theorem, IU Logic Seminar, 2015. slides
  • Linearization of Automatic Arrays and Weave Specifications, MFPS, 2013. slides